Hello doggies and your humans, this is Bella again!
It's winter here in Adelaide, and we've been experiencing a particularly wet and windy one. A large wooden beam has even fallen into the garden from the pergola, broken from all the wild wind! I do enjoy running through the mud- how many dogs don't?- but I'm not a huge fan of wet grass, or the wind in my ears, or rain. Rain is icky.
Recently I've had lots of fun despite the wet and wild weather, enjoying playdates with my best doggy friends, Arya the Borzoi and Elvis the Greyhound. I've also become reacquainted with Pasha the Standard Poodle and Boris the Australian Bulldog. I hadn't played with Pasha since he was a little puppy, so it was a bit of a shock to see him so large and grown up. I was a bit intimidated at first because of his size and bounciness, but eventually, when it was just the two of us playing, I decided that he was pretty cool after all (for a kelb!). It took me even longer to warm up to Boris (and by 'warm up to', I mean 'come to tolerate the presence of'), big, chunky dogs really aren't my type. I like my playmates to be long and leggy, just like me!
Pasha and I, he's the one with the awesome curly hair.
My favourite playmate is Arya. She's just a few months younger than me and is tons of fun. I like to boss her around a lot, and unless she has an accomplice (like young Pasha), she naturally respects my obvious superiority. Being a sighthound, Arya can run real fast and loves to play rough- just my play style! I'm very loud and rowdy when I play with friends; when I'm having fun,
everyone knows about it.
My fast, fun Borzoi Friend Forever (BFF), Arya (Alyosha Aphrodite). She's a bit goofy, which I can really relate to.
Fun in the mud is the best fun to have. I got big muddy paw prints all over my coat while we were wrestling.
She can't catch me! I'm a speed demon. :)
I've been less happy the past couple of days as I have come into season for the second time in my young life. Being in season is really a bit rubbish, I have to wear specially made pants around the house which, as well as being VERY undignified, means I can't inspect my ladies bits. :( Amy tells me that I need to wear them because last time, when I was given a chance to keep myself clean, I didn't to a great job and I made a big drippy mess around the house. I guess it's just one of the less great things about being a lady!
My friend Arya doesn't come into season at all because she's been 'desexed', which is a special operation which means you can't make puppies. I can't have this operation just yet, because I am an occasional show dog and am working toward my 'Australian Champion' title. Amy says that a lot of desexed Salukis get very fuzzy as well, some people even call it 'Afghanitis' as some Salukis grow long hair a little like our Afghan Hound cousins! While I am entire, Amy is very careful to make sure that I am not ever put in a situation where I might accidentally get pregnant (like my mum did- I was a very happy accident), as there are so many unwanted dogs in need of homes these days, and breeding is best left to those who really know what they are doing!
You may notice that I am sporting a fabulous new accessory, my beautiful collar which was made by Zita in the Czech Republic (
http://www.jawharah.wz.cz/Shop.html). She's a very clever lady who makes lots of gorgeous collars and coats made especially with the Saluki body shape in mind. My warm and snuggly leopard print coat is one of her creations as well- I love it!
Amy tells me that Autumn colours like reds, oranges, golds and yellows really compliment me, and I tend to agree. I think my new colour is super elegant, though the effect is ruined slightly by my 'in-season' pants!
Here are a few more pictures of me playing model: