Here I am - maybe not my MOST flattering angle, but really, I'm gorgeous EVERY way you look at me.
And this is me at Christmastime:
It's summer at the moment, and we've had some pretty yucky heat waves recently, so it's often to hot to go and do fun things. When it's too hot, I don't even want to run around much, and running around like a wild thing is what I do best. On one hot day I had one of my best friends ever, Arya the Borzoi, over for a super fun play date. Our humans kept us cool by squirting us with the big, scary hose and giving us a dip in my clam shell pool.
This is Arya; she has an even longer nose than me! Apparently Borzoi are all quite long in the snout. Arya's taller than me too, but she's still no match for me in a game of chase. :)
Look how flippin' tall she is!
Then, on New Year's Eve I had TWO play dates in one day! How awesome is that? First, Amy took me over to Arya's place to play with her. I also got to say hi to another dog who I am sometimes friends with, Zamba, who is a Poodle cross. As Zamba is a more dignified older lady, she didn't join us for our mad games of zoomies and bitey-bitey chase. I had a FAB time with Arya. Amy even took a video of the two of us hooning around the yard.
In the evening, I had my very handsome 'boyfriend' Elvis (the big, black greyhound) over to welcome in the New Year with me. Amy still hasn't sorted out the video from that play date though. It was much more sedate than my visit with Arya, as Elvis gets bored of playing pretty quickly. I had a pretty cool day all in all!
So, that's all from me for now!
Bella xx
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