This is me! I've matured a lot since this photo was taken, but I'm still just as pretty.
My name is Bella, which was the name given to me by my breeders. My human, Amy, decided that it should be short for Grizabella, because 'Bella' is quite a common name for lady dogs these days, and she thought I was befitting of something rather more uncommon. The name 'Grizabella' is taken from the musical, 'Cats'. I think someone ought to tell Amy that I am actually not a cat- I am a Saluki.
I have another name, which no one uses to address me personally, and that is my registered name, which I was given because I am a purebred with a pedigree. My registered name is Baghdad Cool Coquette. I'm actually not all that coquettish, although I can be mighty flirtatious with my greyhound friend Elvis- I'll admit to having a little crush on him!
I was born on the 14th of January 2011 in New South Wales, bred by Paula and Margot at Baghdad Salukis. My mum is the beautiful Mirah (Baghdad Arabian Princess) and my dad is the handsome Aladdin (Aust. Ch. Baghdad Arabian Night). Amy tells me that I have inherited my mother's pretty face. You can see my pedigree, and the beautiful Salukis in my family here.
Since leaving my breeder, I've been living in Adelaide, South Australia with Amy and her family. They hadn't expected to be welcoming a Saluki into their home quite so soon, but they thought I would be just the right fit for the family- and they were right! I moved to Adelaide on the 1st of July, 2011, when I was five-and-a-half months old, and have been a very special member of the family ever since. My lovely breeders have remained my co-owners, so they can always make sure that I will be well looked after.
This is me, on the evening when I arrived at my new home. I was pretty exhausted after flying all the way from Sydney!
As far as Saluki ladies go, I'm fairly tall at around 26" at the shoulder, and I weigh a healthy 19-20kg. I like to think of myself as having supermodel good looks, very tall and slight! The colour of my coat is called 'deer grizzle', and I think it is a rather pretty colour. Two of my sisters are grizzle girls as well!
Some of my favourite things to do include: enjoying walks in nice places, counter surfing, playing with sighthound and human friends, and running like the wind. Every now and then, I enter conformation shows where I am judged against other Salukis, to see which of us best meets the 'breed standard'. No matter who wins, I know that Amy will always think that I am the very BEST Saluki, in every way that really matters. We don't go to a lot of shows, and we will probably never be really serious 'showies', but I hope to one day gain my 'Australian Champion' title.
Me playing 'show dog'. On this day I won my very first 'Best of Breed', and then went on to win 'Intermediate in Group' as well. It was so thrilling to win!
My diet consists mostly of premium dry food- some of my favourites are Black Hawk Lamb & Rice and Earthborn Holistic Primitive Natural. I often have raw meaty bones as well, and sometimes also enjoy minced meat, scrambled eggs and sardines or tuna. My absolute favourite food to eat is anything I can snaffle off the kitchen bench. We Salukis are EXPERT counter surfers!
I'll finish off my mini-biography for now, with a picture of me enjoying a walk in one of my places to go on an outing. Feel free to say 'hello' or ask any questions about me and Salukis in general (we're pretty interesting and very special doggies!). I'd love to meet other doggy bloggers!
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