I'm very disappointed that I'm forced to endure another 'hot spell', just when I thought summer was wrapping up until the next. If you're not aware, we live in South Australia, where it can be extremely hot and dry in the summer, not fun at all! You may say, "But Bella, surely you, as a Saluki, are the sort who would enjoy lots of hot, dry weather?". Well, I don't. Unpleasantly warm weather makes for hot cement (so walks can only take place in the evening), shortened zoomie runs due to heat exhaustion and, worst of all, getting bits of prickly plants stuck in my hair whenever I go outside. Today I went out to play for five minutes and by the time I came in, Amy had a whole handful of prickles that she'd pulled out of my feet, legs, ears, pants, ears- basically anywhere with pretty feathers. I'm coming to start to think that smooth Salukis must have the right idea! Amy tells me to be grateful that I'm not an Afghan Hound, if I was I'd surely pick up one hundred times more bits and pieces in my fur. Eww.
Thankfully, we have had a couple of cool days recently among the scorchers. Amy took this opportunity to take some photos of me being utterly gorgeous. WHY no upmarket canine company has asked me to model for them is beyond my comprehension. I'm a babe, and I know it.
First, I posed with the hills in the background, providing a nice scenic backdrop.
Because I am a Saluki, and as such can run very fast indeed, and am unlikely to stop chasing something just because some bossy human tells me to, I have to stay on my leash-contraption. If I were to get off, I might be a bit silly and run onto a scary road in my enthusiasm to run and run and run. It's a bit of a pity because the pictures would look rather nicer without the leash-contraption in the way, but I suppose it's better than getting run over by a car.
Amy says that it's better to take photos of me when she's crouching or lying down, but that's another thing that's quite difficult in the summer as she gets all prickled by all the dead grass and spiky things! It's quite amusing watching her struggle to get in the right spot for a picture, and then once she's ready I fidget so she's got to reposition herself all over again! Hehehe.
I like playing on these big mounds. Apparently they were put in for humans to ride on with their bicycle-contraptions, but I think they're more fun to run up and down.
While Amy has taking these photos of me, she got bitten by a spider, haha!
And one last photo:
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